Ted Deppe - President / Lead Instructor

Ted Deppe - President / Lead Instructor

Meet Ted:
As a competitive shooter, I learned that a proper mindset can and will trump equipment. Achilles Training Group was started to provide the needed mindset and coaching to develop skills to proficiently use a handgun.

Maryland State Instructor: QHIC-2017-0104
NSSF Range: #202869
NRA Instructor: NRA#2167742
Glock Armorer


Our Mission:
Achilles Training Group has found that there are a lot of people who are not comfortable learning in large group settings with students of different skill levels. Achilles Training Group uses a state of the art mobile computer system that can even teach in your home using industry leading laser technology that uses replica guns without ammo. This introduces new shooters to firearms without fear of mistakes in an individual or small group setting. This also gives the good shooter the ability to build skills such as speed, accuracy, and decision-making using our advanced scenarios. On the range, we put to use the skills we have developed on the computer. Making the new shooter confident. Making the advanced shooter better. We also can certify you for Maryland’s HQL and Concealed Carry.